Updated on 2024/09/12


Faculty of Human Nursing
School of Human Nursing Department of Human Nursing
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  • Kyoto University   Graduate School, Division of Medicine   School of Public Health

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    Course completed: Doctor's Course

    Country: Japan

  • Boston University School of Public Health

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    Course completed: Master's Course

    Country: United States


  • 博士(社会健康医学) ( 2013.1   京都大学 )

  • Master of Public Health ( 2005.1   Boston University School of Public Health )

Research Field

  • Lifelong development nursing, midwifery, maternal nursing

Research Experience

  • The University of Shiga Prefecture   School of Human Nursing Department of Human Nursing   Professor


  • 京都看護大学   看護学部看護学科   教授

    2020.4 - 2022.3

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  • 京都看護大学   看護学部看護学科   准教授

    2016.10 - 2020.3

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  • 滋賀医科大学   医学部看護学科   准教授

    2015.1 - 2016.9

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  • 京都大学   大学院医学研究科 人間健康科学系専攻   助教

    2007.4 - 2014.12

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Association Memberships

  • Japan Academy of Midwifery


  • Japan Academy of Nursing Science


  • Japan Society of Maternal Health


  • Japan Epidemiological Association


  • 京都母性衛生学会


  • Japan Academy of Midwifery


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Research Areas

  • Life Science / Lifelong developmental nursing

Qualification acquired

  • 受胎調節実地指導員

Committee Memberships

  •   京都府助産師会  

    2016.6 - 2022.6   

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    Committee type:Academic society

Available Technology

  • 妊婦や子育て中の母親のストレスに関する研究


  • Quantitative and qualitative verification of data quality in the childbirth registers of two rural district hospitals in Western Kenya. Reviewed International journal

    Chiba Y, Oguttu M, Nakayama T.

    Midwifery   28   329 - 339   2012.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Participation form:Joint(The main charge)  

    Objective: to verify the data quality of childbirth registers and explore factors that influence quality at two rural district hospitals in Western Kenya.

    Design: a retrospective comparative case study for data quality of the 2006 childbirth registers by quantitative and qualitative methods.

    Setting: Siaya and Bondo District Hospitals.

    Methods: after confirming the physical condition and availability of childbirth registers, the total number of births; number of complete/incomplete data; and number of complete data that were illegible, incorrectly coded, inappropriate and unrecognised were verified quantitatively to evaluate accuracy and completeness. Data categories and instructions were examined qualitatively to assess the relevance, completeness and accuracy of the data. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with key informants to capture their views and factors that influence data quality.

    Findings: the childbirth registers used by the two hospitals were not developed by the Ministry of Health, and their supply to Bondo was interrupted. Of the 30 data categories in the registers, five for Siaya and 23 for Bondo were more than 20% incomplete. Data for number of antenatal consultations and use of human immunodeficiency virus drugs were at least 50% incomplete for both hospitals. The percentage of illegible, incorrectly coded and inappropriate data was relatively low, and only the place of residence had unrecognised data. Data categories in the registers did not correspond well with those of monthly reports, and inappropriate instructions suggested hidden inaccuracy among apparently valid data. Organisational impediments of the health information system in general, perinatal and intrapartum contexts were identified.

    Key conclusions: data quality of the childbirth registers was unsatisfactory. Influential factors were primarily organisational and technical, which may have had an adverse effect on midwives' record keeping behaviour.

    Implications for practice: data quality of the registers can be improved by re-examining technical challenges and organisational impediments at different levels. Midwives' awareness of data quality needs to be increased by sharing the purpose of the childbirth registers. Strong political commitment is also indispensable for putting these findings into action.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.midw.2011.05.005

  • Cultural immersion through international experiences among Japanese nurses: Present status, future intensions and perceived barriers Reviewed International journal

    Chiba Y, Nakayama T.

    Japan Journal of Nursing Science   13 ( 3 )   378 - 390   2016.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Participation form:Joint(The main charge)  

    Given limited exposure to various ethnicities, languages, and cultures, providing health care to an increasing foreign population in Japan will likely be challenging for Japanese nurses. This study aimed to examine past and intended future international experiences of Japanese nurses to assess their cultural immersion level.

    A cross-sectional electronic survey was conducted among 2029 nurses in 2010. Participants were categorized by travel purpose, and the frequency of non-holiday travel was analyzed. To examine participants' desire for and perceived feasibility of future non-holiday international experiences by background characteristics, logistic regression analyses were performed.

    Of 1039 participants, 10.1% had past non-holiday international experiences, with 80% having traveled to high-income, English-speaking countries. The median value for travel frequency was once, and the median duration of travel was less than 1 month. The most common purpose of travel was participation in short-term programs (e.g. professional training, language study). Fifty-one percent of female nurses reported a desire for future non-holiday international experiences. Of these, 37.2% considered such experiences feasible. Age of the youngest child, having nursing specialization, English proficiency, and past international experience were significant predictors for feasibility.

    Japanese nurses with foreign experience were considered valuable human resources for culturally appropriate care. Efforts should be made to integrate them into the Japanese healthcare setting. The present study revealed room for improvement in foreign language proficiency and cross-cultural training with a focus on non-English-speaking and developing countries. A supportive workplace environment should be created that allows nurses to pursue the international experiences they desire.

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jjns.12120

  • Measurement of luteinizing hormone surge in vaginal discharge: a potential biomarker that enables simple, non-invasive prediction of the periovulatory period. Reviewed International journal

    Moto Takeshita, Keita Saito, Yuya Suzuki, Wataru Yoshimasa, Risako Hayashi, Yoko Chiba

    BMC women's health   24 ( 1 )   132 - 132   2024.2

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    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    BACKGROUND: Predicting the periovulatory period is very important for conception. Current approaches to predicting the periovulatory period include monitoring of basal body temperature and urine luteinizing hormone (LH) concentration; however, these methods are time-consuming. Here, we examined the potential of using vaginal discharge (VD) as a non-invasive means of sample collection for determining the LH surge that indicates ovulation. METHODS: Urine and VD samples were collected from 35 healthy women aged 20-39 years. VD samples were collected with panty liners to reduce the burden on participants. Daily first urine samples and used panty liners were collected from the 10th through 19th days of the menstrual cycle. Urine and VD LH (uLH and vLH) levels in the samples were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Measured vLH baseline and first surge values were analyzed using Student's t-test and ROC curves. RESULTS: Samples for a total of 55 menstrual cycles were collected. We used uLH surge to establish the date of ovulation. uLH surges were observed in 49 cycles, 34 of which had corresponding VD samples that qualified for measurement. Five cycles were excluded due to a lack of vLH data. In the remaining 29 cycles, the vLH surge appeared within the fertile window 90% of the time, and the sensitivity and specificity of the test were 86% and 83%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: VD has potential for use as a sample for predicting the periovulatory period by measuring LH content.

    DOI: 10.1186/s12905-024-02916-4



  • Cultural immersion through international experiences among Japanese nurses: Present status, future intentions, and perceived barriers Reviewed

    Yoko Chiba, Takeo Nakayama

    JAPAN JOURNAL OF NURSING SCIENCE   13 ( 3 )   378 - 390   2016.7

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:WILEY-BLACKWELL  

    AimGiven limited exposure to various ethnicities, languages, and cultures, providing health care to an increasing foreign population in Japan will likely be challenging for Japanese nurses. This study aimed to examine past and intended future international experiences of Japanese nurses to assess their cultural immersion level.
    MethodsA cross-sectional electronic survey was conducted among 2029 nurses in 2010. Participants were categorized by travel purpose, and the frequency of non-holiday travel was analyzed. To examine participants' desire for and perceived feasibility of future non-holiday international experiences by background characteristics, logistic regression analyses were performed.
    ResultsOf 1039 participants, 10.1% had past non-holiday international experiences, with 80% having traveled to high-income, English-speaking countries. The median value for travel frequency was once, and the median duration of travel was less than 1 month. The most common purpose of travel was participation in short-term programs (e.g. professional training, language study). Fifty-one percent of female nurses reported a desire for future non-holiday international experiences. Of these, 37.2% considered such experiences feasible. Age of the youngest child, having nursing specialization, English proficiency, and past international experience were significant predictors for feasibility.
    ConclusionJapanese nurses with foreign experience were considered valuable human resources for culturally appropriate care. Efforts should be made to integrate them into the Japanese healthcare setting. The present study revealed room for improvement in foreign language proficiency and cross-cultural training with a focus on non-English-speaking and developing countries. A supportive workplace environment should be created that allows nurses to pursue the international experiences they desire.

    DOI: 10.1111/jjns.12120

    Web of Science


  • 産後1年以内の母親における妊娠期のマタニティマークへの思い-質的研究 Reviewed

    田中 萌子, 四宮 衣美, 千葉 陽子, 我部山 キヨ子

    京都母性衛生学会誌   23 ( 1 )   57 - 67   2015.5

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:Japanese   Publisher:京都母性衛生学会  


  • マタニティマークの認知と入手、使用、普及 産後1年以内の母親への横断研究 Reviewed

    四宮 衣美, 田中 萌子, 千葉 陽子, 我部山 キヨ子

    京都母性衛生学会誌   23 ( 1 )   21 - 29   2015.5

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:Japanese   Publisher:京都母性衛生学会  


  • Simulation learning of antenatal consultation by student midwives: competency evaluation of diagnosis and skills in midwifery and analysis of student learning process Reviewed

    千葉 陽子, 我部山 キヨ子

    京都大学大学院医学研究科人間健康科学系専攻紀要 : 健康科学 : health science   9   26 - 33   2014.3

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese  

    Through a simulation learning method including role-play and reflection sessions, this study aimed to evaluate pre-practicum clinical competencies of antenatal consultation among student midwives, compare the evaluation scores between students and instructors, and clarify the learning process experienced by students. Methods: Participants were 31 student midwives and 9 instructors. Three scenarios at the first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy were provided to the students, and their representatives played the role of a midwife and a pregnant woman at a consultation. The consultation sessions were videotaped, and then viewed and discussed by all participants at reflection sessions. An itemized checklist with 4-point scales for each scenario was used to evaluate students' competency, and mean scores were compared between students and instructors. Students' written comments about the simulation learning method were quantitatively categorized. Results: Total mean scores of students at each trimester were significantly higher than those of instructors. In each scenario, mean scores regarding communication were relatively higher and those requiring individualized clinical judgment were relatively lower among students and instructors. Four categories of student recognition of learning process were extracted. Conclusion: The skills in which there was a difference in evaluation scores between students and instructors should be carefully reviewed before students are exposed to clinical settings. The importance of cumulative practice of various scenarios was also shown to improve technical and non-technical skills for antenatal consultation.

    DOI: 10.14989/185395

    CiNii Books


  • An Approach to Improve Situation Assessment Using Simulation Learning Methods and The Evaluation of Midwifery Students' Learning Motivation II : Newborn Care in Normal and High-risk Situation Reviewed

    谷口 初美, 千葉 陽子, 我部山 キヨ子

    京都大学大学院医学研究科人間健康科学系専攻紀要 : 健康科学 : health science   8   25 - 30   2013.3

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the effects and motivational impact of simulation learning in order to enhance situation assessment. Based on the theory of the learning pyramid, a teaching method was developed by the following process: review, acquire new knowledge, create scenarios, scenario-based role play, debrief, and evaluate.

    DOI: 10.14989/173385

    CiNii Books


  • Quantitative and qualitative verification of data quality in the childbirth registers of two rural district hospitals in Western Kenya Reviewed

    Yoko Chiba, Monica A. Oguttu, Takeo Nakayama

    MIDWIFERY   28 ( 3 )   329 - 339   2012.6

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:ELSEVIER SCI LTD  

    Objective: to verify the data quality of childbirth registers and explore factors that influence quality at two rural district hospitals in Western Kenya.
    Design: a retrospective comparative case study for data quality of the 2006 childbirth registers by quantitative and qualitative methods.
    Setting: Siaya and Bondo District Hospitals.
    Methods: after confirming the physical condition and availability of childbirth registers, the total number of births; number of complete/incomplete data; and number of complete data that were illegible, incorrectly coded, inappropriate and unrecognised were verified quantitatively to evaluate accuracy and completeness. Data categories and instructions were examined qualitatively to assess the relevance, completeness and accuracy of the data. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with key informants to capture their views and factors that influence data quality.
    Findings: the childbirth registers used by the two hospitals were not developed by the Ministry of Health, and their supply to Bondo was interrupted. Of the 30 data categories in the registers, five for Siaya and 23 for Bondo were more than 20% incomplete. Data for number of antenatal consultations and use of human immunodeficiency virus drugs were at least 50% incomplete for both hospitals. The percentage of illegible, incorrectly coded and inappropriate data was relatively low, and only the place of residence had unrecognised data. Data categories in the registers did not correspond well with those of monthly reports, and inappropriate instructions suggested hidden inaccuracy among apparently valid data. Organisational impediments of the health information system in general, perinatal and intrapartum contexts were identified.
    Key conclusions: data quality of the childbirth registers was unsatisfactory. Influential factors were primarily organisational and technical, which may have had an adverse effect on midwives' record keeping behaviour.
    Implications for practice: data quality of the registers can be improved by re-examining technical challenges and organisational impediments at different levels. Midwives' awareness of data quality needs to be increased by sharing the purpose of the childbirth registers. Strong political commitment is also indispensable for putting these findings into action. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.midw.2011.05.005

    Web of Science



  • The language of midwifery and perinatal care: Reviewed

    Chiba Y, Millar N, Budgell B

    Journal of Japan Academy of Midwifery   2010.5

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Relationships of internal working model with child's emotional stability with family members and attitude towards life in university students Reviewed

    Kanaoka Midori, Kabeyama Kiyoko, Suga Sawako, Chiba Yoko

    Maternal health   50 ( 1 )   64 - 70   2009.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本母性衛生学会  

    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among the university student's internal working model, their emotional stability with family members and attitudes towards life. The study employed an anonymous questionnaire to university students obtaining suggestions on how to support good parent-child relationships. Methods: Students aged 18-24 at two urban universities in Kansai area (n=210, 148 valid surveys <69.0%> returned) received the survey. Question items addressed internal working model (Toda), emotional role-relation conflict within family (Munakata) and attitude towards life (Itatsu). Results and Discussion: Secure attachment in youth was reflected in the practice of a positive, affirmative way of lives of immediate establishment of individual autonomy and the subjectivity and establishment of the society. In secure attachment, it was guessed that Anxiety led to the control of the self. Moreover, the woman was related in Coexistence to family relationships with excellent secure attachment. On the other hand, it was understood that there was a possibility that Anxiety and Avoidance was relates to the family's dysfunction feeling in the man. Thus a conflicting attachment pattern was observed to be taken in females and males.

    CiNii Books


  • Relationships of child's perception of parents' childrearing attitudes with child's emotional stability with family members and attitude towards life : a survey of university students Reviewed

    Chiba Yoko, Kabeyama Kiyoko, Suga Sawako, Kanaoka Midori

    Maternal health   49 ( 2 )   366 - 373   2008.7

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本母性衛生学会  

    This study explored the relationships of the child's perception of their parents' attitudes towards childrearing with the child's emotional stability with family members and the child's attitude towards life. The study employed an anonymous questionnaire to university students obtaining suggestions on how to support young adults like them psychosocially and promote good parent-child relationships. Methods: Students aged 18-24 at two urban universities in Japan (n=210, 151 valid surveys <71.9%> returned) received the survey. Question items addressed childrearing attitudes (Symons), emotional role-relation conflict within family (Munakata) and attitude towards life (Itatsu). Results and Discussion: The childrearing attitudes of more than 40% of fathers and mothers in this study were perceived to be indulgent, which had two aspects, acceptance and noninterference towards their child, according to Symons' grouping. This indulgence was significantly associated with the child's emotional stability with family members, and this result suggests that the degree of parental interference should be taken into consideration to foster better socialization and psychological independence during the child's growth and development. Additionally, the father's indulgent childbearing attitude was significantly associated with the child's positive attitude towards life. This indicates that the child reflected her/his father's image on the father who was working outside of the home to support the family and recognized that the job was one of the means to realize her/his better life in the future. The study also suggested that understanding parents' working styles, roles in the family, and the social system is indispensable to promoting a good parent-child relationship.

    CiNii Books


  • Vicissitudes of Japanese midwives in the 20th century through a life story of a former independent midwife practitioner in Kyoto Reviewed

    千葉 陽子

    Health science   ( 4 )   1 - 6   2007

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publisher:京都大学医学部保健学科  

    [Background] After the Second World War, birthing in Japan shifted from "at home by midwives" to "in hospitals/clinics by obstetricians". Although independent midwife practitioners had conducted most deliveries at home before the shift, 85.7% of the midwives in practice in 2004 were working for hospitals and clinics. [Purpose] To explore the history of Japanese midwives in the last century, especially the background of the postwar decline of midwife practitioners. [Methods] Non-structured individual interview with a former independent midwife practitioner currently living in Kyoto, Japan. [Findings] During the first postwar baby boom busy practicing midwives were not aware of the nursing reforms that directly affected midwifery practice and education, and they failed to develop their successors. In addition, family planning, which was promoted by midwives after the war, had ironically generated a preference for smaller family size and safer delivery at medical institutions. This resulted in a drop in the number of clients for independent midwives and accelerated the medicalization and institutionalization of childbirth. Even with the declining birth rate, current society still needs midwives, and the postwar experiences should alert today's midwives to be sensitive to relevant issues that influence their future.

    DOI: 10.14989/53887

    CiNii Books


  • 父親の対児感情と父性行動の関連性 Reviewed

    藤川 信子, 千葉 陽子, 我部山 キヨ子

    京都大学医療技術短期大学部紀要   14   17 - 26   1994

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    CiNii Books


  • 幼少期の父親像がわが子に対する父性形成に与える影響 Reviewed

    千葉 陽子, 藤川信子, 中堀裕代, 寺嶋千香子, 濱喜実, 三國和美, 我部山キヨ子

    母性衛生   34 ( 4 )   229 - 235   1994

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


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  • 本学における国際助産実習の取り組み : Oregon Health & Science Universityの視察を通して

    古川 亮子, 我部山 キヨ子, 千葉 陽子

    助産雑誌   69 ( 4 )   336 - 340   2015.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:医学書院  

    CiNii Books


  • コツを知って勘をみがく 臨床で使える児頭下降度(第9回)レオポルド触診法の歴史をひもとく

    千葉 陽子, 立岡 弓子

    ペリネイタルケア   33 ( 12 )   1272 - 1277   2014.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publisher:メディカ出版  

    CiNii Books


  • Emergency medical care system support to the Syrian Arab Republic

    浅井 康文, 千葉 陽子, 児島 盛之

    Japanese journal of disaster medicine   13 ( 2 )   198 - 203   2008.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本集団災害医学会  

    CiNii Books


  • 研究活動報告 本学における短期大学専攻科から大学選択課程への移行による助産診断・技術項目の到達度の評価:臨床指導者からの評価

    渡邊 浩子, 山口 琴美, 千葉 陽子, 柳吉 桂子, 谷口 初美, 我部山 キヨ子

    健康科学   ( 5 )   55 - 59   2008

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:京都大学大学院医学研究科人間健康科学系専攻  

    DOI: 10.14989/84789

    CiNii Books


  • Failure to make optimum use of qualified midwives for safe motherhood in the Philippines

    Yoko Chiba

    Boston University School of Public Health   2004.12

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Research Projects

  • WITH・POSTコロナ時代に求められる妊娠期の健康教育・保健指導のあり方の探究

    Grant number:22K11049  2022.4 - 2025.3

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

    千葉 陽子

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    Grant amount:\2600000 ( Direct Cost: \2000000 、 Indirect Cost:\600000 )


  • Analysis of cares before and after childbirth as own expence from the viewpont of consumers toward evaluation of own expence medical care and systematization of medical management

    Grant number:16K13398  2016.4 - 2020.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Suga Makiko

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    Grant amount:\2600000 ( Direct Cost: \2000000 、 Indirect Cost:\600000 )

    In this study, we investigated and analyzed the issues and needs for care before and after childbirth from the viewpoint of women before and after childbirth. Although it could be a contact point for reducing postnatal depression and preventing child abuse, there was little needs for postpartum care. Postpartum care was mainly aimed at the objective medical health conditions of the mothers and their children.It is indispensable but did not match their needs. Because women felt impaired physically by childbirth, but cares for those subjective damages of women were not paid attention so much. In this study, the needs for postpartum cares were made clear from the viewpoint of women before and after childbirth, and the willingness to pay was also clarified. Implications for postpartum care can be expected as their own expencein near future.


  • Development of an online information sharing system by connecting women in perinatal period and midwives in the community and the hospitals

    Grant number:16K12538  2016.4 - 2019.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research


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    Grant amount:\3640000 ( Direct Cost: \2800000 、 Indirect Cost:\840000 )

    With significance to provide continuous support to women in the perinatal period, regardless of their place of giving birth, this study developed and examined an online information sharing system that connects the mothers, hospital midwives and community midwives for the purpose of timely and continuous communication. Individual interviews were conducted to mothers one year after their childbirth to capture the actual care provided by the midwives and to identify any unmet needs. Those women who gave birth at the hospitals and clinics would have liked a more continuous midwifery care even after returning to their homes. Based on these findings, user requirement specifications for this online information sharing system were defined in discussion with experienced midwives. The system was developed and a small test trial was performed with a prototype to obtain preliminary results. The merits and challenges of this system were discussed for future improvement.


  • Development of the child care support program for couples from the pregnancy period to the child care period

    Grant number:26670980  2014.4 - 2017.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    KABEYAMA Kiyoko, TSUBAKI Makiko, MATSUBARA Chiharu

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    Grant amount:\3640000 ( Direct Cost: \2800000 、 Indirect Cost:\840000 )

    We modified the Life-line Interview Method for use in pregnant women and mothers rearing children to understand their continuous mental condition changes and significant events affecting such changes. Methods: Individual interviews were conducted with 15mothers with children between ages12months. The events were then categorized by gestational week and mental status. Results: Although participants drew a variety of lifelines, similar patterns were observed in branching events, such as detection of pregnancy, pleasant season, and completion of childbirth at the rising point, and morning sickness, bewilderment of a newborn’s care, concern for the elder child (in multigravida) at the declining point. Conclusions: Understanding the events leading to negative mental condition might help provide preventive and immediate care for women. Our modified LIM can be a powerful tool in understanding women’s life experience during the perinatal period.


  • Study on international movement of Japanese nurses : understanding actual situation for efficient use of nurses

    Grant number:20791663  2008 - 2010

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    CHIBA Yoko, NAKAYAMA Takeo, IGARASHI Toshiko, KASO Misato, NONOGUCHI Masayo

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    Grant amount:\6732159 ( Direct Cost: \5178584 、 Indirect Cost:\1553575 )

    [Background] International activities among Japanese nurses have not been systematically analyzed despite the increased demand for global views in nursing society in Japan. [Purpose] To capture the characteristics of overseas experiences among Japanese nurses based on the world trend in international nurse migration and Japan's position in that trend [Methods] Systematic review of English articles on international nurse migration and a cross-sectional to Japanese nurses [Result and achievement] Nurses in the world are migrating mainly from developing to developed countries by the needs for supply and demand on nursing workforce. Only 10% of Japanese nurses who were surveyed had past overseas experiences (except for holidays and sightseeing), and more nurses will go overseas if they attain advanced academic degree, better English proficiency and higher specialization in nursing. Career development of nurses who want to go abroad and efficient use of nurses who have foreign experiences should be explored.


  • Developments of a fetus phantom and the educational guideline for midwifery diagnosis using ultrasound scan.

    Grant number:19390558  2007 - 2010

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    KABEYAMA Kiyoko, INABA Tasashi, OBATA Hideaki, YAGI Keiko, TIBA Yoko, YAMAGUCHI Kotomi, IZUMI Mie, HATA Tiharu, NAKABORI Yasuyo, MUTOU Wakako

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    Grant amount:\17030000 ( Direct Cost: \13100000 、 Indirect Cost:\3930000 )

    This study was conducted to examine the current status, awareness and education of ultrasonic diagnosis performed by midwives. 1) The numbers of midwives and obstetrician were significantly lower in facilities where ultrasonic diagnosis was performed by midwives. 2) There were none differences between doctors and midwives with regard to the psychological effects of the examination on pregnant women or the diagnostic skills. 3) 0n the education of the ultrasonic diagnosis for midwifery students, About 10 times practices were necessary at least, until the accurate measurements of fetus were possible. 4) The pregnant a fetus in 20 weeks) for midwifery education using ultrasound scan was developed.
    Based on these results, prenatal checkups using ultrasonography examinations performed by midwives should become more widespread. It is important to develop aneducation system and consultation system in an abnormal case.


  • 不妊治療後の妊婦とその家族に対する良質な周産期ケア提供のためのガイドラインの作成

    Grant number:19659580  2007 - 2009

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  挑戦的萌芽研究

    我部山 キヨ子, 谷口 初美, 山口 琴美, 佐藤 喜根子, 渡邊 浩子, 千葉 陽子

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    Grant amount:\3100000 ( Direct Cost: \3100000 )

    1. 平成19年~20年に亘って行った調査のまとめ
    2. ニュージーランドにおける不妊治療後妊娠者のケアガイドラインを調査


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